T minus 3 days until round the world trip and couldn’t be more anxious nervous excited you name it. Naturally plenty of drama. I have a list if things to do every day between now and Thursday and there isn’t much more I can do but follow the plan at this point. Everything is planned out to the best of my ability. Everything I can carry is packed in my bag.
Over the past couple months I have used all of my experiences especially my Eagle Scout training to plan my back pack and my schedule so that when I got to this point I would have very little left to chance. The fact is… chance is always a factor but it is too late in the game to worry excessively about it. I will do my absolute best to accept what comes my way and trust that I did some good planning and if I have to make adjustments so be it.
I’ve completely emptied my house of my sacred belongings and this is a big thing for me. I’ve lived in the same house for 13 years and haven’t been gone for more than a week or maybe two at a time.
The good news is almost everything is done. I have a few details to attend to each of the next 3 days and whatever else happens is out of my control.
Regarding facebook, I’ve decided not to post too much on face. I will make use use flikr and tumblr to document the 118 day journey. I don’t want to bombard my friends and family with mundane details.
Having said that, I really do want to document as much as possible. I have had some discussions with family members and so many details from our adventures have been lost over the years. tumblr is really no better than an instamatic camera, but I do plan on archiving everything manually since tumblr doesn’t seem to have an archive feature. This should be pretty easy to do. All of my photos are going into lightroom in RAW format and those will be backed up to external hard drives and such. My writing is the harder part. I want it to be backed up online and searchable but who do you trust? And of course I want to associate my flikr photos to my writing.
Well tumblr here’s your chance to shine. I have backups just in case you decide to shit the bed. Good luck to both of us.
In case you didn’t notice right away, I did originally post this article on my Tumblr account. I had a hard time while planning this trip deciding what to post and where to post it. I’ve since decided it was in my best interest to keep the content somewhere I had complete control over it so it would be easier to preserve long term. Not saying Tumblr isn’t great but right now this makes more sense to me.